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Perfecting Your Pitch

Well, that’s not the place to start. Before you have the decision-maker on the line, you need to research the organization:

  • Discover when their last convention was.
  • Identify who they hired.
  • Understand their theme.
  • Uncover their most pressing issue.

Finally, how can your speech help solve that problem?

Gather information. Ask questions. Take notes. Based on what they’re looking for, you’ll know if you’re right for this gig or not. If not, back out graciously, tell them you’ll be in touch, and to keep you in mind if something comes up.

Meeting planners want you to be succinct. Let them know:

  • You’d like to be considered for the conference.
  • Why you’re qualified.
  • Ask them to check out your website or provide an email address to send promo material.
  • Inquire about the decision timeline and suggest a suitable time for a follow-up call.

While organizations have a pent-up need for safe in-person events, there’s no telling how things will play out this bellwether Fall. There’s little employee enthusiasm for returning to travel, according to the latest GBTA study, in which 10% (up from 4%) of travel managers felt that their employees generally were unwilling to travel. This may be due to employees getting used to virtual events, along with their fear of the 3rd wave. Not to mention the time involved in traveling. Virtual is here to stay.

Lots of organizations would love to have in-person events, and yet, think of the liability they face if people get ill. This applies not only to conference organizers but to the venues that rent their space, as well as airlines and transit systems. Insurance premiums are astronomical even if all goes well. So don’t be surprised if organizations err on the side of extreme caution. One false move and they’re ruined!

The bright side of all the disruption is that we’ve all learned to be more flexible. And more virtual events (with less expense and less risk for organizers) means that there will be a lot more opportunities for speakers.

So do spend time perfecting your pitch. Just have a solid understanding of what’s going on behind the scenes before you deliver one that’s out of tune with the times.

I enjoy your feedback; please share your thoughts/experiences.


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