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Frank King

Frank King, Suicide Prevention Speaker, and Trainer, brings a unique perspective to the conversation on mental health. With a prolific career writing for The Tonight Show for 20 years, he has turned his lifetime battle with Major Depressive Disorder and Chronic Suicidality into a powerful message. His journey of overcoming darkness has resulted in 6 TEDx Talks where he shares life-saving insights on Mental Health Awareness.

Depression and suicide are not just topics for Frank; they run in his family. Having contemplated suicide more times than he can count, Frank is a motivational professional speaker who uses his own life lessons to initiate important conversations. He gives people permission to express their feelings and experiences surrounding depression and suicide, often adding humor to the equation.

Frank firmly believes in the healing power of humor, asserting that where there is humor, there is hope, and where there is laughter, there is life. His approach is one of openness, standing in his truth, and injecting humor into a serious dialogue. According to Frank, nobody dies laughing, and the right person, at the right time, armed with the right information, can save a life.

A short video overview of Frank King's keynote presentations and interactive workshops.

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Suicide Prevention

LEARNING OBJECTIVES Recognize the prevalence of death by suicide and the importance of prevention practices within the workplace • Learn the epidemiology, etiology and risk factors of suicidal behavior • Discover strategies for screening, assessing, and reducing the risk of suicide • Understand special concerns, risk factors and interventions related to veterans • Identify self-injurious behaviors and what objects, substances, and actions are common in suicide attempts • Highlight the management and treatment modalities for workers at risk for suicide, including best practices for connecting the worker to referral • Gain the knowledge and skills to conduct suicide Postvention • Comprehend the relationship between workplace stress and suicide and learn valuable techniques to stress-less at work Suggested Formats: Keynote, Half Day; Workshop

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