Speaker talking to a crowd

Bill Jensen

Bill is a globally-recognized thought leader on organizational simplicity and the future of work. His passion: Make it easier to do great work. His results: Doubling productivity, while helping everyone pursue their passions.

For three decades, Bill has studied how work gets done across the globe. That research backs all his captivating presentations. He believes that we are on the cusp of an amazing future: Our dreams, our goals, our lives, and our work can all be re-imagined. Bill takes us on that journey. He re-imagines, and you’ll never see life or work the same way again!

Mr. Simplicity makes it easier for everyone to do great work.

A short video overview of Bill Jensen's keynote presentations and interactive workshops.

Keynotes Golden Microphone icon

Working Differently in a Post-COVID-19 World

Everything changed in 2020. For decades, we’ve known that how we work is changing. Then a global pandemic hit. We learned that all changes before 2020 were just dress rehearsals. Now comes the real, deep, and profound transformations. Bill Jensen will detail the most crucial changes: From how virtual teaming has changed, to how daily communication has changed, to how strategic planning has changed — and how knowing oneself, trusting one’s teammates, and deep personal resilience have become even more important. We’ll also focus on creating easier and faster meaning-making and transformation among all teammates.

Me to We Leadership Development

The toughest work in development is on inner knowingness, and changing oneself. That’s the core of most leadership development programs. This session takes all that to new levels: Transforming oneself (Me) in ways that help others transform themselves (We). This session is about translating personal aha’s and changes into better ways to lead, manage, motivate, and inspire. Bill Jensen will cover all of that, and more, in this training. He will apply what he’s learned after studying better ways understand oneself and translate that into simpler ways to work for the past three decades. Effective translation must include creating easier and faster meaning-making and understanding among all teammates. This is now especially true in a post-CoronaVirus world. Everything has changed for everyone.

Simplicity: Work Smarter, Not Harder

Everybody is overloaded, and that’s not going to go away. Actually, it’s going to get worse. We need to learn how to quickly de-clutter any information and get better at staying focused, all while engaging the hearts, minds, and actions of others. Bill Jensen will cover all of that, and more, in this session. He will apply what he’s learned after studying simpler ways to work for the past three decades. You will leave this session being able to cut one hour of work down to just five minutes, and lots of other tips and tools!

Disrupt! Think Epic, Be Epic

What are the habits of today’s best disruptive heroes? And what can all of us learn from them? This session will answer those questions, and lots more. Bill Jensen has studied hundreds of today’s top disruptors and change agents, and uncovered their secrets. Bill will detail the top five of twenty-five disruptive habits, and exactly how you can use those habits today.

Managing Remote and Virtual Teams

The hardest part of managing remote/virtual teams usually isn’t the projects, deadlines, pressures, demands, or even timezone or cultural differences. It’s what all that does to and for every individual — what motivates/demotivates, rewards/hurts and creates happiness/disengagement for each individual. On top of that: Everybody is overloaded, and that’s not going to go away. It’s going to get worse. This training session will focus on the EQ side (emotional intelligence) side of managing remote and virtual teams: How to listen, how to care, how to lead with empathy… and yet still get everything on time and within budget. And we’ll work through that the context for everything is better faster, better faster, in an overloaded and constantly disrupted work environment.

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