Speaker talking to a crowd

Paul Krismer

Teaching people and organizations to leverage positive emotions so they can achieve corporate and personal excellence, Paul Krismer’s engaging delivery leaves audience members wanting more. His rating on feedback forms averages 9.2 out of 10, and nearly all those who respond say they would like to have Paul return to the same event.

One organization rated him 11 out of 10! Paul delivers strategies to achieve healthier workforces, higher productivity, and increased profits—these are the scientifically proven results of highly engaged team members. His services range from coaching to keynotes, from half-day training sessions to long-term culture change projects.

A short video overview of Paul Krismer's keynote presentations and interactive workshops.

Keynotes Golden Microphone icon

Resiliency in the Midst of Uncertainty: Deploying Proven, Powerful Tools to Achieve Success

A powerful emotional context permeates all aspects of our lives presently — uncertainty. Global pandemic, economic threat, and political strife are layered onto our already hectic, demanding lives. How can people not only cope, but thrive personally and professionally? Paul Krismer brings the science of positive psychology to bear. With practical advice coupled with funny story-telling, Paul provides an inspiring toolkit for resilience! Embrace the research results that prove positive emotions come readily when certain skills are learned. See how these skills demonstrably lead directly to greater success. Come away equipped to fuel your personal happiness and create positive contagion amongst the people you influence.  Learn practical ways to amplify momentum. Discover insights about how to powerfully engage teams and change corporate culture.    Content highlights Scientifically connecting positive emotions with stress management   Neurophysiology: how the brain can be re-wired   Overcoming negativity bias   Understand and avoid burnout

Leaders as Role Models— Stepping Beyond the Limitations of Management: How Leaders Can Win the Hearts and Minds of Staff and Customers

Many leaders come to their roles as a function of their expertise in a specific subject matter, but leadership requires more than job-specific skills. Leadership is a way of being. This talk de-emphasizes what we individually know and instead asks us who we are. Traditional employee engagement programs often buy the loyalty of employees’ bodies, but do not win their hearts and minds. In this workshop, learn direct interventions that change the way employees FEEL about their work and their workmates. Leverage positive psychology to bring creativity, productivity and joy into your workplace! Men and women who influence the behaviour of staff can learn a mindset that shifts them from overseers of business processes to genuine leaders—seeing the big picture, articulating the direction, and embracing their team in a collaborative and committed mission. Transformative organizational change occurs when bosses are coaches who lead with emotional intelligence and profound personal integrity.

#MeToo In a Man’s World— A Discussion Like None Other about Workplace Respect: How Everyone Benefits When Gender Issues Become Gender Advantages

How do we talk about gender discrimination without the conversation being “heavy”, “awkward“, and “depressing”? How do we address issues of misogyny and violence against women without men reacting defensively? This uplifting, funny presentation gets right at the heart of these issues while insightfully demonstrating that the path forward lifts everyone—men and women. Paul shows how gender stereotypes that limit women also limit men. Observing the real opportunities of 21st century industrial innovation, this conversation is about personal and corporate momentum. Organizations that can anticipate the new economy can also navigate the era of #MeToo. Content highlights The most sought-after skills are now ones most associated with feminine characteristics How to combat the sociological conditioning that limits men’s expression The World Economic Forum’s prognosis of future leadership qualities

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